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  • The meeting will be held at: Conference Center Woudschoten, Woudenbergseweg 54, Zeist.

  • You are expected to arrive on November 21st between 9.00 and 9.30 a.m. so there is enough time for registration and mounting of posters. As you may know, participation in this meeting is obligatory for all ONWAR PhD-students. In order to get a certificate of the school, you have to sign a presence list at the start and at the end of the meeting. If you arrive late and/or leave earlier this will have consequences for the amounts of points rewarded.

  • CEN-PhD students will receive 0,9 EC for attending the meeting.

  • Please note that during the meeting the language will be English.



On Thursday November 21st there will be shuttle buses at Station Driebergen-Zeist to bring you to Woudschoten Conference Center. The shuttle buses will depart at three timepoints: 8.10 a.m., 8.40 a.m. and 9.10 a.m. Please try to travel early and do not wait for the final bus to depart. 

(If you are not able to travel with one of these buses, it is also possible to travel to Woudschoten by bus 381 [Syntus]. For this: check
On Friday November 22nd there will be buses to bring you to Station Driebergen-Zeist at two timepoints: 17.30
 p.m. and 18.00 p.m.




  • Your poster number can be found under 'attendees'.

  • There will be a poster session on each day. Half of the presenters will present their poster on day 1 and the other half on day 2. Everyone (except presenters at that session) will be matched to two posters that they have to visit to provide feedback. Please check the program to see when your poster session is scheduled and which poster you have to visit.

  • The size of the poster boards at Woudschoten is 1.18 m x 1.46 m (portrait; work surface). Please put your picture on your poster, so people who would like to meet you and discuss your poster, know who to look for. 

  • All posters have to be mounted on the first day of the meeting and will remain on display during the entire meeting. Do not forget to take your poster off after the meeting, in case you want to keep it.

  • A floor plan will be provided at the meeting and will be made available on the website under 'Schedule'.

Poster presentations

1) Presenters of that day will be at their poster the whole session.

2) Feedback can be given through a general QR-code, which can be found in the poster room. Fill in the feedback form before the end of the session.

3) There are 2 awards, one for posters presented on Thursday and one for posters presented on Friday. QR-codes to vote for the best poster can be found on the walls in the building.



  • There are four blitz sessions, two on Thursday and two on Friday. The blitz presentation will proceed in the order noted in the program (will be sent later), and your poster presentation is scheduled on the same day. 

  • The format of the blitz presentation is like you would expect during a scientific congress. The purpose of the blitz is to convince your audience to visit your poster, so be creative!

  • You are expected to prepare a short, maximum 2 slides, PowerPoint presentation of your poster. You will have 90 seconds to promote your poster. This is intended to attract people to your poster, it is not meant to show the audience your complete research project. Due to the full program during the meeting, time will be tracked very strictly.

  • There will be an award for the best presentation in each of the four blitz sessions. The voting can be done through a QR-code that can be found on the walls during the meeting.

Blitz presentations

  1. To avoid delays during the blitz sessions, we have reserved the first row in the lecture room for the blitz presenters. In addition, prior to the meeting we will create one PowerPoint file which includes all blitz presentations, to make sure the transition between presentations goes smoothly: 

    • You are kindly requested to send your blitz presentation through this link at the latest by Monday 13th of November 2023. Make sure your .ppt includes a slide with your name, poster title and poster number. Please include your last name in the filename of your presentation or file (e.g. [BLITZ SESSION NUMBER(1A/1B/2A/2B)_LAST NAME_FIRST NAME].ppt). All blitz presentations should be presented live during the ONWAR meeting.

  2. On both days you will be given the opportunity to check your blitz beforehand; these moments will be announced later.


Each individual presentation is scheduled for maximally 10 minutes. After the presentation there are 2 more minutes for discussion. Members of the organizing committee will be present with an alarm clock to keep track of time. Since the meeting has a very tight schedule, we kindly ask you to not exceed the scheduled time. Try to keep your slides to maximum 1 per minute.


The ONWAR/CEN committee noticed in the previous years that not all presentations were easily accessible for the broad audience of which ONWAR/CEN consists. We think this is a pity for several reasons: 1) if your audience has difficulty following your presentation, they will be less eager to ask questions, 2) you invested time in making this presentation, and now the audience still does not understand what you have been doing all these years, 3) ONWAR/CEN promotes the translation between different fields within the neuroscience community and hopes that PhD students learn from one other.


To emphasize the importance of an accessible and understandable presentation, we set up some basic guidelines that might help you when assembling your presentation:


  • Do not try to fit everything you did in the past four years in a presentation of merely 10 minutes. Pick out your most interesting findings.

  • Introduce your subject via a “dummy” introduction slide. If you are in the field of molecular neurobiology, some concepts you think are very well-known are completely new for researchers with a more clinical background, such as psychology or medicine. And vice versa of course. Introduce some of your key-concepts.

  • Do not go too deep into the methodology. Try to sketch why you did it and the main procedures, without mentioning all the details of the analyses.

  • Try to minimize the amount of complex names or abbreviations (e.g. genes, proteins, medication).

  • The most important aspect of your presentation is that the audience gets a global understanding of what you have been doing, why that was important, and remember or learn something from it.


Presentations will be given on a PC laptop using Windows 10.

Participants who created their presentation on an Apple/MAC computer should check their entire presentation in advance on the laptop at Woudschoten to be sure that all animations and images appear as intended.


Note: You are requested to send your oral presentation through this link at the latest by Tuesday 21st of November 2023. Please include your last name in the filename of your presentation or file (e.g. [ORAL SESSION NUMBER_LAST NAME_FIRST NAME].ppt). All presenters should have a back-up of their entire presentation (slides, figures, images) on a USB memory stick.


The metascience event will take place on Thursday from 15h15-16h45. This year we will have four parallel workshop session of 1h30 each, so there will be four workshops for you to choose from. Information about all workshops can be found on this website under ‘metascience’.

If you have a preference for particular workshops, please indicate that preference by following this link. Please note that there are limited number of places available for each workshop. Therefore, we ask you to rank the workshops based on your interest. Of course, we will do our best to assign the workshop you find most interesting, but keep in mind that we cannot guarantee it. The deadline for voting is Friday 10th of November 2023, after that day the poll will close! If you do not vote, we will randomly assign you to a particular workshop. 

As soon as we have finalized the schedule, your assigned workshop will be indicated on this website under ‘attendees’.


Questions about the program or the meeting? Please contact Kim Hubregtse, Graduate School Neurosciences Amsterdam Rotterdam, tel.+31 20 59 80955,

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